Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Last Thursday, we celebrated Valentine's Day and it was a GREAT day! When the kids came in Thursday morning, they were very excited to see our classroom door decked out for V-Day!
We did lots of Valentine activities and read some "mushy" love stories - that's the kids words, not mine:) Finally, it was party time! We started with a fun minute-to-win-it game. Each student had a handful of M&Ms, a cupcake holder, and a straw. They had one minute to move as many M&Ms into their cupcake holder as they could using only their straw. It was a very quiet and intense minute! In the end, they were all winners and got a very special book from me!


Then it was finally time for ice cream sundaes! They got to put whatever they wanted on their ice cream and there were some very interesting combinations!!!YUM-O

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sweet Sight Words

Check out these SWEET Readers!

Mr. Groundhog

Groundhog Day just happened to fall on a Saturday, but that didn't stop us from having lots of groundhog fun! We watched a video clip of Punxsutawney Phil and his weather prediction. The kids were very excited that Phil did not see his shadow! We also learned several interesting facts about groundhogs...did you know that groundhogs are also called whistle pigs???? To end our groundhog fun, the students created a groundhog burrow and used specific details to describe it. I would definitely like to spend the winter in some of these burrows...televisions, comfy beds, trampolines. These groundhogs have it all:)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sweet Success!

Here is another big group of Sweet Readers! They are cruising right along - what a bunch of "smartie pants"!