Monday, November 12, 2012


Check out this week's group of SWEET Readers!
 Daxxton and Autumn - Snickers Award
(Not Pictured: Alexis and Tina)
 Eli - Reese's Award
 Tanika - M&M Award
 Kaylee and Noah - Skittles Award
Matthew is leading our class with his Butterfinger Award!

Pumpkin Burial

Last week we had to have a burial for "Jack" He was our class jack-o-lantern that we carved on Halloween.  The kids noticed that he really wasn't looking too good and informed me that we had to do something with him, so today we sent him off for a long winter's nap.  We stuffed "Jack" with lots of classroom items to keep him occupied for the winter (paper, pencil, marker, snacks, etc).  I told the kids that we would dig him up in the spring to see if he was looking any better. It's going to be a LONG winter, but I know the kids will be really excited to see him next spring:)

 Farewell Jack...We'll see you next spring:)

Pumpkin Characters

During the month of October, the students were given a project to complete at home with their parents.  Each student selected a book that they had read before and created one of the characters from the book on their pumpkin.  There was only 1 rule: Do NOT carve or cut the pumpkin. They had the freedom to be as creative as they wanted and they did not disappoint!
"Shark vs. Train"
"Curious George"
"The Cat in the Hat"
"Summer Jackson"
"Pizza for Sam"
"I'm Not Scared"
"Kate's Tricky Treats"
"Scaredy Cat Splat"

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Happy Halloween!

We had our class Halloween Party on Wednesday, October 31. It was quite a CRAZY day! The students came to school in costume and we had a costume parade first thing that morning. All of the students looked really great:) Then we went on a "spooky walk" in the hallway.  We also carved a jack-o-lantern for our classroom. Finally at 2:00 it was time for our All Things Orange Party. We had nachos, cookies, cupcakes, orange soda, and candy of course! Thanks to all the parents that sent supplies and helped out during the party:)

Yeah for Readers!

Well, I am officially behind in posting our SWEET Readers! So without any further are the last 2 weeks of amazing readers:)
 Trenton and Jayce - Snickers Award
 Tanika - Reese's Award
 Kaylee and Elizabeth - M&M Award
Matthew - KitKat Award

Last week was a small group - just Kaylee and Noah (not pictured) with their KitKat Award and Matthew with his Skittles Award:)

Fall Festival

Saturday, October 27 was our annual Fall Festival. It was a beautiful day and we raised lots of money for our class with the Ring Toss Booth:) Matthew and Kaylee were selected to represent our class in the Fall Festival Royalty Program and they did an excellent job. Just look at these two fancy first graders!!