Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Seuss Week

In honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday, we have been having guest readers this week. Vangie's mom came in and read to us today. The students LOVED her story:)

Love Bugs!

This month the students have been learning about different types of reference materials.  In order to help us better understand how to use the thesaurus, we made Synonym Love Bugs! Check out these interesting new creatures!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Two More Awesome Spellers!

We had two more students fill in their Spelling Sticker Chart last week. Here they are with their Sonic reward cards.

Way to go Sam and Thane!

Valentine's Day Party

Valentine's Day was a busy, crazy, hectic, terrific day!!! We had a surprise pizza party because our class won the can food drive sponsored by the Rocky Top 4-H. Then we had ice cream sundaes and they were delicious! A BIG thank you to all the parents that sent supplies and helped make our party a success:)

I think I was just as excited as the kids to hand out my special valentines! It's a glow stick bracelet:)

Monday, February 13, 2012

How To Blow a Bubble

The last couple of weeks, the students have been learning how to write descriptive instructions. One of our writing topics was to explain how to blow a bubble. First, we had to do a little practicing.

After practicing, the students wrote a sequential set of instructions on how to blow a bubble, which they found out was easier said than done:) Afterwards, they created a self-portrait blowing a bubble to go along with their published writing. Here is what the finished product looked like:

Saturday, February 4, 2012

100 Creations

I wanted to share another activity that the students did on the 100th day of school.  I gave each student a 1 and two 0s and asked them to use their creative juices to make a unique picture.  Check out what they came up with...I was impressed!
Thane - "A War Scene"

Austin - "Handcuffs"

K.P. - "Unicycle"

Vangie - "Snowman"

Sara - "Crazy Happy Face"

Houston - "Drinking Duck"

Miranda - "Backward 100"

Laine - "Handcuffs"

Kade - "Lego Label"

Ryan G. - "Key Unlocking Door"

Sam - "Face"

Eli - "Push Hand Cart"

Elijah - "Dungeon"

K.C. - "Locked Door with a Key"

Ryan S. - "Walking 100"

Haylie - "Tractor"
Zane - "Angry Bird Set"