Thursday, October 18, 2012

Christopher Columbus

In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.  Last week we learned about the brave explorer, Christopher Columbus, and his voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. We read several books and watched a great video that helped us build our schema about Christopher Columbus.  The students also did a writing activity to tell about where they would go if they were brave explorers.
 "I would sail to the ocean."
 "I would go to the jungle. I would find the scariest monster."
 "I would go at the ocean. I will find a dolphin."
"I would explore the North Pole. I would find Santa Claus."
 "I would climb the tallest mountain. I would find the treasure."
 "I would explore the woods. I want to find a baby snake."
 "I would explore the states of America. I want to find dinosaur bones."
 "I would go into the Pokemon world. I would catch a Snorlax and a Lickilicky and a Cradily and a Cicada."
 "I would go in a forest."
 "I would go to a snowy mountain. I want to find the biggest biggest mountain."
 "I would go to Florida. I would find a cactus. Then I would see if they were pokey."
 "I would go to the farthest water. I want to find a treasure."

 "I would go on a ghost hunt with my best friend and my lightsaber. I will find bats."
 "I would walk in the sand. I would find a lizard."
"I would sail to Florida. I hope I find bones."

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